Les 80+ meilleures persan chinchila 199417-Persana chinchila

Persan Chinchilla Golden Silver Shaded Pewter

Persan Chinchilla Golden Silver Shaded Pewter

Appearance of the Persian Chinchilla Cat The Chinchilla cat's coat has a very light colored base, and the tip of each hair is colored oneeighth of its length The muzzle, neck, belly, inside of the legs and the lower part are characterized by their white color The fingertips are in harmony with the color of the tipping (today the colorsA Chinchilla Persian's grooming routine is particularly demanding brushing must be done daily to avoid knots and remove dead hair A bath, followed by a good drying can help with this The long hairs of the hindquarters can sometimes be soiled by the stool and must therefore be regularly checked A haircut may be necessary to facilitate

Persana chinchila

Persana chinchila-(TCA) with specialization in breeding Persians of Chinchilla Silver/Silver Shaded colour Our breeding cats are DNA tested at Veterinary Genetics Laboratory of University of California, Davis CA USAMoms & Dads Sires and Dams are highly selected Silver Chinchilla CFA Registered Persians Producing Silver, Silver Shaded, Silver Chinchilla, Golden, Golden Shaded doll face Persian kittens ChinchillaPersianscom

Chaton Persan Chinchilla Sur Fond Noir Photo Stock Alamy

Chaton Persan Chinchilla Sur Fond Noir Photo Stock Alamy

 Chinchilla Cat Breed History The Chinchilla cat could also be referred to as the Chinchilla Persian because this breed is actually a type of Persian cat The name "Chinchilla" is a reference to the cat's fur, which is similar to that of the chinchilla rodent, and this is a feline that has been selectively bred to produce a specific coat colorPersian Chinchilla Kittens Gorgeous healthy and affectionate Persian kittens for years of love and companionship Menu About Us;Le persan chinchilla a une robe épaisse, dense, soyeuse et présente un souspoil blanc Sa tête et son corps sont recouverts de poils à pointes noires (tipped) ce qui donne un reflet argenté unique à cette variété Ses pattes peuvent être légèrement ombrées mais le blanc est impératif sur le ventre, la poitrine, le menton et l'intérieur des oreilles

Renown for their beauty and striking emerald eyes, the Persian Chinchilla is a cat adored by many Their playful yet gentle nature is unparalleled and may give them the illusion of being the ultimate house cat However, don't be fooled by their perfect, dolllike features and spectacular coat of fur for these are creatures of mass destructionHow We Do It;19 juil 15 Découvrez le tableau "persan chinchila" de boutique de pamela sur Voir plus d'idées sur le thème chat persan, chats persans, chats adorables

Persana chinchilaのギャラリー


Chatons Persan Blue Golden Golden Shaded Et Shell Loof
Vuitton Silver And Golden Persian Cat Breeder Elevage De Chat Persan Chinchilla Silver Golden Et Exotcs Shorthair Chinchilla Photo Video Chaton Chat Persan Temoignages
Chatterie Amarantiano Elevage De Chats Persans Eleveur De Chats Persan A Oberdorf Illtal
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Differencier Un Chinchilla D Un Silver Shaded Van Shell
Persan Chinchilla
Persan Tout Savoir Sur Ce Chat Calme Et Majestueux Aux Poils Longs
Amicale Europeenne Du Persan Et Exotic Shorthair
Elevage De Bellavista Eleveur De Chats Persan Et Exotic Shorthair

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